Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day. Glorious Tax Day.

Aside from the chuckleheads holding tea parties protesting government spending (which, of course, is a new phenomenon and certainly not indicative of the previous eight years of apparent fiscal conservatism *cough*recordbudgetdeficitfarworsethanReagan's*cough*), it is a beautiful sunny day, and I'm happy to say that I'm now sunburned. On April 15th. From laying by the pool. And not at the University, because we're on Spring Break.

In fairness, after the Pens game and the gym, I'll be spending the rest of the evening reading about natural products and their derivatives in the constant struggle to discover new antibiotics, antivirals, and anti-fungals, in addition to how natural products and their derivatives can be used in the development of anti-cancer medications. Envy the weather, not the workload. ;-)

Alles Gute.

1 comment:

doug said...

sweet game - we watched at the double wide on the southside

will call the philly clan after we win the next

sorry you're a-peeling


you'll also be glad you are not part of the new thing for the curling dogs---------- shroom hunting- morrals