Monday, January 26, 2009

Pop Culture and Philosophy

A little interesting news to start the week. I opened my e-mail this morning and discovered that I had been accepted for inclusion in Dune and Philosophy, part of the Pop Culture and Philosophy series by Open Court Press. They accepted my abstract for an article called "Hobbes, Spice, and Power", which relates the imperial structure in Herbert's books to Thomas Hobbes' political work Leviathan, in which he discusses scarcity, violence, and justifications for essentially any political structure that prevents anarchy. It will give me an excuse to read science fiction and call it work. :)
Alles Gute.


Anonymous said...

Congrads. I suggest you give at least one lecture in costume, like this.

Anonymous said...

I agree - just like Mr. Sting! And I have the book by his yoga teacher, if you want to get toned like that first...